Salem Museum Membership

Become a Member of the Salem Museum & Historical Society

Make a secure, online donation to become a member. 

Give a Gift Membership. We will notify the recipient of your thoughtfulness.

Membership has its benefits:

  • Our newsletter, special invitations, and meeting notices mailed directly to you, plus updates by email, as desired
  • Membership/Speaker Series: meetings are held monthly (except December) at 7 pm on second Thursdays. Speakers discuss topics of local historical interest.
  • Members-only gatherings and receptions for exhibition openings
  • Fun activities planned just for our members.
  • The satisfaction of knowing you are joining others to make a difference in our community through your support!

Going on vacation?
Take your Salem Museum Membership Card and SAVE!

The Salem Museum participates in the Southeastern Reciprocal Membership Program. Present your Salem Museum membership card at participating art, science and history museums to receive:
• Free general admission (special exhibits are extra)
• Same discounts in the gift shop or café as museum members.
Terms and participating museums are subject to change. Check the website or call ahead to verify admission, hours, etc.

The Salem Museum & Historical Society is a private, non-profit organization. Memberships and contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 54-1088887.

Dues and Contributing Memberships

Basic Membership for Individuals, Couples or Families $50-$74Copper
Contributing Memberships $75-$149Bronze
$1,000 and abovePlatinum

Make a secure, online donation to become a member. 

Or, download our Membership Form and mail your check payable to the Salem Historical Society to:
Salem Museum
801 East Main Street
Salem, VA 24153

Or, call 540-389-6760 to pay your dues by credit card over the phone.

All donations to the Salem Historical Society are tax-deductible as allowable by law.

  • Sun - Mon: Closed
    Tue - Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • Sun - Mon: Closed
    Tue - Sat: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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