Visits by Video: History All Around Us

Learn the history behind Salem landmarks, and the stories of artifacts in the Salem Museum’s collections. Enjoy both series by Museum Assistant Director Alex Burke!

“White Glove Wednesdays” posted on, yes, Wednesdays and featured objects from our collections. “Around Town” went outside for a look at Salem landmarks, as well as everyday spots “around town” that have more history than you might expect.


[03-18-2021} Hiding in Plain Sight: Regine Nozice Archer’s WWII Story of Survival. Watch the video. 

[08-13-2020] Appreciating the Art of Walter Biggs: a Conversation with artist Eric Fitzpatrick. Watch the video.

[03-13-2021] Roanoke Island: What’s Lost? What’s Found? with National Park Ranger Josh Nelson. Watch the video.

[05-13-2021] Walking the Red Line: Residential Discrimination in Twentieth-Century Roanoke, with scholar Hunter Haskins. Watch the video.

[06-10-2021] Botetourt County, a History, with Lynsey Allie, Museum Manager, History Museum of Western Virginia and O. Winston Link Museum, and executive director, Botetourt County Historical Society. Watch the video.

[09-09-2021]  Batts and Fallam Meet the Totera. 350 years ago, the first Europeans to explore Southwest Virginia reached the Roanoke Valley. Thomas Klatka, archaeologist with the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, described the Virginia they discovered and the Virginia Indians they encountered.  Watch the video.

{10-14-2021]  200 Years of the Preston Place. The Preston Place is believed to be the oldest existing home in Salem, Virginia, with two centuries of stories to tell. Alex Burke, the Museum’s assistant director, relates the history of the home and the families who have lived there, as well as the Salem Historical Society’s restoration efforts. Watch the video.

[01-13-2022] The Story of McAfee Knob and Virginia’s Triple Crown with Diana Christopulos, the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club Archivist.  Watch the video.

[02-10-2022] “Inexhaustible Amusement” The Phonograph and Our Modern Entertainment with Garrett Channell, Salem Museum Director of Education and Archives. Celebrating Thomas Edison’s 175th birthday! Watch the video. 

[03-10-2022] Beginnings, Firsts, and the Emergence of Virginia Tech with Peter Wallenstein, VT professor of history. Watch the video.

[04-07-2022] Understanding Putin and Ukraine with Dr. Robert Willingham, Roanoke College professor and chair of the History Department. Watch the video.

[05-12-2022] Roanoke’s Railroad and WWII. Col. Lewis “Bud” Jeffries describes what Roanoke’s railroad—the Norfolk & Western Railway—accomplished during this very important period of American history.  Watch the video

[06-09-2022] The Long Rifle in Virginia with 18th century firearms expert, Wallace Gusler. Watch the video.

[07-14-2022] Jim Crow and Southern Libraries: The Story of the Gainsboro Branch Library. Branch Librarian Megan Mizak relates the rich history of Roanoke’s African American library and the efforts of its beloved librarian, Virginia Y. Lee, to acquire and safeguard an outstanding collection rare books, historical documents, photographs and reference materials that focus on African American history. Watch the video.

[01-19-2023] Taking the Waters: The Restoration of the Warm Springs Pools. Julie Langan, the Director of the Department of Historic Resources, describes the efforts to save these iconic bathhouses. and transition them from a preservation emergency to a preservation success. Watch the video.

[02-09-2023] The Heroic Story of William Dabney, D-Day Veteran. He was part of the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion, the only all-black unit in the D-Day landings.. Watch the video.

[03-09-2023] The Roanoke Valley in the 1940s, with the Rev. Nelson Harris. Watch the recording. The first half is audio only. The second half includes the video.

[05-11-2023] The History of Slavery at Roanoke College, courtesy of the Center for Studying the Structures of Race and Dr. Jesse Bucher. Watch the research team’s documentary.


[03-25-2020]  Welcome to the Salem Museum’s Front Desk.  Watch Video.  Activity:  Museum Mad-Lib
[04-01-2020]  The story behind Salem’s Dixie Flip, long gone. Watch Video. Activity: Coin Flip.
[04-08-2020]  The Shooting Star, Lakeside Amusement Park. Watch Video.  Activity: Build with Triangles.
[04-15-2020]  Russell Gwaltney’s National Championship Trophy. Watch Video.  Activity: How to Play Marbles.
[04-22-2020]  An Unexpected Find: 1600s Snaphance Trigger.  Watch Video.  Activity: Import Bingo.
[04-29-2020]  Still on the Run: Antique Moonshine Still.  Watch Video.
[05-06-2020]  Revolutionary Technology: World War One’s Steel Helmets.  Watch Video.
[05-13-2020]  Ice Cream Scoop: Salem and the Spanish Flu.  Watch Video.
[05-20-2020]  Edward Beyer’s “View of Salem.”  Watch Video.  Activity: Online Puzzle (Alex did the puzzle in 5:45, can you beat him?)
[05-27-2020]  The Wartime Artifacts of William Robert Whitescarver, Jr.  Watch Video.  Til I Come Home.  Watch Video.
[06-03-2020]  Showcasing Students Accomplishments, local Varsity Letters.  Watch Video.
[06-10-2020]  Preston Place’s Willcox & Gibbs Sewing Machine.  Watch Video.  
[06-17-2020]  The Union Army’s Spencer Carbine.  Watch Video.
[06-24-2020]  Grace Smyth, Salem’s Artist and Naturalist.  Watch Video. 
[09-02-2020]  Salem’s Connection to Victory in Japan Day.  Watch Video.
[09-30-2020]  Lakeside Amusement Park’s Carousel Horses.  Watch Video.
[10-07-2020]  The Different Faces of Andrew Lewis.  Watch Video.
[10-14-2020]  On The Big Screen, the 1971 Andrew Lewis Football Team.  Watch Video.
[10-21-2020]  War News, Walter Biggs’ Award Winning Painting.  Watch Video. 
[10-28-2020]  Salem High School 1920s Baseball Jersey.  Watch Video.
[11-04-2020]  The Gray’s and Baist Maps of Salem, Salem before and after the railroad boom of the 1880s.  Watch Video. 
[11-11-2020]  The Bee’s Knees! Roaring 20s Flapper Dresses.  Watch Video.
[11-18-2020]  The “Ye Olde” Heated Blanket, the Antique Bed Pig.  Watch Video. 
[11-25-2020]  An American Flyer Christmas Model Train Set!  Watch Video.


[03-27-2020]  General Andrew Lewis, at East Hill Cemetery. Watch Video.
[04-03-2020]  General Andrew Lewis, at the Salem Civic Center. Watch Video. 
[04-10-2020]  Remembering the many unknown, at East Hill North Cemetery. Watch Video.
[04-17-2020]  The Williams-Brown House, the home of the Salem Museum.  Watch Video.
[04-24-2020]  Salem’s founding in 1802, at Charlotte’s Web Antique Mall.  Watch Video.  Activity: Map it! James Simpson’s Salem
[05-01-2020] Longwood, Salem’s beloved Castle, at Longwood Park. Watch video. Activity: Design a Castle.
[05-08-2020] “War is Ended in Europe,” Salem and Victory in Europe Day.  Watch Video. 
[05-15-2020]  Lake Spring Hotel, Salem’s Premier Resort.  Watch Video.
[05-22-2020]  Salem’s Frontier Fort and Estate, Historic Fort Lewis.  Watch Video.
[05-29-2020]  77 Millimeter German Field Piece, Salem’s World War One Memorial.  Watch Video.
[06-05-2020]  Oakey Field, Witness to a Guinness World Record.  Watch Video.
[06-12-2020]  Richard Gholston, Salem’s Gravedigger. Watch Video.
[06-19-2020]  Celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation, January 2, 1893.  Watch Video.
[06-26-2020]  Salem’s First Residents, the Virginia Indians.  Watch Video.
[07-10-2020]  Oh my stars and garters! Salem’s early taverns, Wilderness Road Regional Museum Curbside History series. Watch video.
[10-02-2020]  Salem’s City Hall, the Unknown Salem High School.  Watch Video.
[10-09-2020]  Andrew Lewis Middle School, Salem’s Historic High School.  Watch Video.
[10-16-2020]  The Carver School, Roanoke County’s African American School.  Watch Video.
[10-23-2020]  Roanoke College, Salem’s Institute of Higher Learning.  Watch Video.
[10-30-2020]  Henry Hill’s Bell Tower, Roanoke College’s Tribute to their Longtime Timekeeper.  Watch Video. 
[11-06-2020]  Elizabeth College, Salem’s Short Lived All Women’s College.  Watch Video.
[11-13-2020]  The Academy Street School, Salem’s First Public School.  Watch Video. 
[11-20-2020]  The Unknown History of North Cross School. Watch Video. 
[11-27-2020]  A Longtime Goal, the Salem Public Library.  Watch Video.

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